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I was introduced to ECC/M1 Legal by my sister. As joint members with Diamond Resorts for 16 years, the last few of which we experienced increasing levels of dissatisfaction with management fees and lack of availability but were at a loss as to how to change the...

Very professional and friendly customer service.

We no longer need to worry about paying the annual maintenance charges but also freeing us from a contract that could even have been forced on our inheritors.

Thank you very much for the invaluable help, guidance and advice you have given my wife and me over the last two years as we went through the process of relinquishing our time share ownership in Royal Holiday. It is a great relief that we have finally managed to...

We really are delighted at the outcome – so thank you to Steven for his expertise in resolving what has been a difficult situation for us both so quickly. I did realise that both he and the company had a lot of experience dealing with timeshare issues on behalf...
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