by ECC | Jan 23, 2018 | Latest Victories
Read press coverage from 20th January mentioning two of our recent court victories! You can take a look at the full article following this link:...
by ECC | Jan 17, 2018 | Latest Victories
And we are on a roll! This week our legal partners succeeded in claiming back money on behalf of another client! £7,000 was paid out to former Salina Wharf...
by ECC | Jan 17, 2018 | Latest Victories
We have started the New Year by claiming back over £30,000 on behalf of 2 sets of clients who were former timeshare owners with Madeira Regency Palace. Congratulations to our legal partners and our very happy clients on a brilliant start to the year!
by ECC | Dec 7, 2017 | Latest Victories
This week a client received news from our office that they have been awarded a fantastic £27,750. Their timeshare provider, Heritage Club, was in breach of contract due to a failed trade-in. Congratulations to our legal partners on a fantastic win and to our very...
by ECC | Nov 24, 2017 | Latest Victories
Our clients, received a cheque this week to the value of 20,000€ thanks to an out of court settlement. The payout from their resort Anfinpan Airtours Beach Club was due to their contract being signed in perpetuity and also because the resort had taken a deposit...