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Client Win Against Royal Park Albatros

Client Win Against Royal Park Albatros

M1 Legal have succeeded once again in gaining a payout for another very happy ECC client! This week the judge residing in a Spanish court of law, declared the contract null and void and awarded the client compensation of £19,400. Congratulations to our client and...
Latest Ruling Against Club La Costa

Latest Ruling Against Club La Costa

Last week, our legal team at M1 Legal secured another victory against Club La Costa. The Judge ruled in favour of our client and declared their contract null and void. Club La Costa was also ordered to pay our client £19,674 plus legal interest. Congratulations to M1...
Royal Park Albatros Pay Out Again

Royal Park Albatros Pay Out Again

Another Royal Park Albatros contract has been declared null and void for one of our clients! The judge also ruled that the resort pay the client £6,765 plus the legal interest since and the amount awarded is £6,765 plus legal interests since the contract was signed in...
Latest Victory Against CLC

Latest Victory Against CLC

Today saw another former CLC owner have their contract declared null and void by the court. Not only are they free from their contract for good, but CLC were also ordered to pay our clients £11,977. Well done to our legal team at M1 Legal and congratulations to our...
Cash In For Salina Wharf Owners

Cash In For Salina Wharf Owners

So far this week, our legal team has successfully claimed back almost £8,000 on behalf of clients for monies they had previously paid to Salina Wharf before the resort went into liquidation in November...
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