by ECC | Feb 17, 2022
We literally couldn’t believe it when we received an email from Diamond stating that they would terminate out points, I would advise anybody wanting to terminate their timeshare points to contact ECC immediately.
by ECC | Feb 16, 2022
We have been hesitant for about 2 years or more with this company but still had the stress of keeping my timeshare [which we were told not timeshare but an investment not|] that was costing a fortune paying for a service that was not fit for purpose. None of the...
by ECC | Feb 10, 2022
After contacting the Timeshare Consumers Association for advice on a Timeshare Relinquishment I was advised to contact ECC, they set up a zoom meeting for me there and then. My wife and i were then contacted by Ellie Wilson via zoom. Ellie listened to our concerns and...
by ECC | Jan 28, 2022
I have to admit that we were concerned that this would drag on for months and then not be resolved, but you were as good as your word and I’m so glad that we put our trust in you and your company.
by ECC | Jan 27, 2022
We want to thank the ECC for keeping us up to date with the progress they were making and for the final result being the relinquishment of our ownership of The Lodge with Mcdonalds.