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More Anfi Favourable Judgements

More Anfi Favourable Judgements

In our most recent substantive cases, our legal team obtained two victories in cases against Anfi with the accumulated value of £23,058 in monies awarded. In addition to this, we received a favourable judgement from the Consumer Office Dispute in Algrave against Oura...
£28k CLC Victory

£28k CLC Victory

Last week our legal team were successful in obtaining four separate favourable substantive judgements against Club la Costa. In total, the monies awarded from these cases amounted to £78,320 with the highest amount in one case being £28,757. The CLC contracts were...
Back In The Courts

Back In The Courts

Throughout August the Spanish courts come to a close, we are pleased to now begin reporting on our court victories once again. In the past week, as the courts have been starting back up, a few of our cases were heard. We obtained favourable judgments in two...
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