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More Victories in Court

Aug 5, 2020 | Latest Victories

In the previous week, we obtained a victory in a case against Restotel SA. This was an appeal before the Court of Appeal in Alicante, in which we kept the first decision in our favour. The contract was declared null because it doesn’t fulfil the requirements of law 42/1998. In this case, we obtained £9,664 for our clients.

Another victory against CLC, in this instance it was against the contractual name of CLC Sucursal. The outcome was £19,754 for our clients. The nullity of the fractional contract in this case was determinated by the lack of information on accommodation and contract length. The judge declared the “nullity of the main contract and its ancilary contracts”, not saying the word “loan” but referring to it.

In addition to this, we obtained four more favourable jurisdiction judgements against Club La Costa.


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