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Over 19K win against Royal Park Albatros

Jun 22, 2020 | Latest Victories

Last week the legal team were successful in a case against Explotacion Hotelera, Royal Park Albatros, that was heard in the High Court of Tenerife.  The outcome was £19,353 in monies awarded as well as costs being awarded.

In our most recent case against Club la Costa, the Court of Appeal turned down the jurisprudence point, as Club La Costa claimed this procedure belongs to the English Courts. This is not true, under the relevant Spanish and European Laws, which give you a higher protection due to the status of the consumer. Secondly, Paradise Trading was confirmed as the vendor (they had claimed they were not entitled as “they were not part of the contract”). CLC also argued that the contract had 19 years duration (and not perpetuity) but actually this term is conditioned upon the sale of allocated property. Finally, the lack of determination of the object of the contract was also confirmed. We obtained £11,056 in monies awarded to out client on this occasion.

A favourable judgement against Leisure Dimensions & Albatros Ventas got one of our clients £4,395 in monies awarded. Furthermore, our legal team had 3 jurisdiction victories against Club la Costa Sucursal.


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