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If And When… Are You Going To Travel Abroad This Year?

May 28, 2020 | Blog, European Consumer Claims, Newsletters

  • Are you planning to travel to your timeshare any time soon?
  • Are you prepared to wear a mask for the entire time you are travelling through the airports and on the airplane? 
  • Are you prepared to sit in the airport for 4 hours a time?
  • Are you prepared for limited or no resort facilities on arrival?
  • Are you prepared for 14 days quarantine on your return to the UK?
  • Sunbed availability is limited at the best of times, imagine how that will be with mandatory 2 metre distancing in place!


Did you know that millions of people with holiday plans have refused to travel, and are seeking refunds or credit notes to enable re-booking at a later date.  

The problem for timeshare owners is that resorts are not issuing refunds and promises that owners can use their timeshares at a later date is asking for an availability nightmare!

The borders may be opening up in certain countries but who can realistically enjoy a holiday abroad with all the above safety measures and restrictions in place?

You may have read in a previous newsletter that Timeshare Consumer Association (TCA) have started a campaign in an attempt to force the hands of the resorts and pay back 2020 maintenance fees when owners are unable to benefit from their membership. Are you effected by this and more importantly – are you going to happily pay 2021 fees knowingly you were unable to use it in 2020 and probably 2021 too?

100’s of effected owners have already submitted their details, if you have been effected then we highly recommend completing the short survey.

Are You Going to Pay Your Maintenance Fees For 2021?

For new enquiries contact our advice team on 0203 7699 164 or email pr@ecc-eu.com

For current clients please contact Customer Services on 0149 174 3059 or email cs@ecc-eu.com


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