by ECC | Jul 1, 2024 | Blog, European Consumer Claims, mynewsdesk
Timeshare CEOs ‘obscene’ wages questioned as timeshare costs soar in 2024. Overpriced product Timeshare is almost universally acknowledged by financial experts to be an overpriced and restrictive way to take vacations. With...
by ECC | Jun 24, 2024 | Blog, European Consumer Claims, mynewsdesk
Accusations of unfair, or illegal behaviour among timeshare companies is nothing new. So why is Seasons Holidays attracting so much attention? British timeshare magnates Bristol based timeshare company Seasons Holidays PLC’s website tells us they launched in...
by ECC | Jun 17, 2024 | Blog, European Consumer Claims, mynewsdesk
15 years ago, Pentecostal clergyman Matthew Omokwe and his wife were sold a timeshare membership at Club la Costa World for around £26,000. “It seemed like it would be great value,” says the amiable 61 year old. “At the...
by ECC | Jun 10, 2024 | Blog, European Consumer Claims, mynewsdesk
ECC/ACC adds second office location to USA portfolio Expanding business European Consumer Claims (ECC) incorporated in 2016 with a small team working from a single office. During the following eight years their success would be measured by year on year total...
by ECC | Jun 3, 2024 | Blog, European Consumer Claims, mynewsdesk
When Spain enacted laws 25 years ago to protect consumers from high-pressure timeshare operations, the timeshare companies universally ignored those laws and brazenly continued operating, exactly as they always had. Why were there laws? Timeshare is...