by ECC | May 3, 2017 | Latest Victories, Macdonald Resorts, Timeshare Resorts
Today we were informed that TATOC the “Timeshare Association for Timeshare Owners and Committees” which according to their own website claims to be “the largest consumer-representative body for timeshare owners in Europe” has gone into Administration. We understand...
by ECC | Nov 9, 2016 | Latest Victories
We have achieved another successful claim against Madeira Regency Palace. Due to the closure of the Resort, we were able to claim back the cost of our client’s timeshare, plus interest.
by ECC | Nov 9, 2016 | Latest Victories
We are pleased to report a successful win on a claim for one of our clients against Exclusive Club in Malta. Our client was misrepresented at the point of sale and the result of the claim was a full refund of the cost of his timeshare plus interest, which resulted in...
by ECC | Oct 31, 2016 | Latest Victories, Silverpoint
Our Legal Team enjoyed another success recently against Silverpoint Resorts. Our client was actually sold shares in a company for which he should have gone to a Notary Public as required when buying shares in a company but this did not happen. This is because the...
by ECC | Oct 31, 2016 | Latest Victories, Macdonald Resorts, Timeshare Resorts
Our Legal Team recently won a dispute over the jurisdiction of a timeshare contract. The contract in question had a clause in the adjoining appendix notes to the contract, which stated that any future disputes could not be taken to a Spanish Court even though the...