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Silverpoint Lose In Tenerife

Silverpoint Lose In Tenerife

M1 Legal are happy to report another victory against Silverpoint Vacations S.L. The hearing took place in the court of First Instance in Los Cristianos, Tenerife. The contract revealed it was in perpetuity i.e. no end date and lack of accommodation details. The judge...
Club La Costa Lose Again

Club La Costa Lose Again

We are happy to announce our latest victory against Club la Costa. After an initial court decision was appealed and won in favour of M1 Legal on jurisdiction, the case was subsequently heard at the Court of First Instance, Fuengirola and it was revealed that the...
Ten Jurisdictions Ruled In Our Favour

Ten Jurisdictions Ruled In Our Favour

Last week was yet another fantastic week for jurisdiction victories against Club la Costa and Diamond Resorts. Below are contractual names where M1 legal have again had jurisdictions ruled in favour of the client. Club La Costa UK PLC EP Club La Costa UK PLC Sucursal...
M1 Win Against Palm Oasis

M1 Win Against Palm Oasis

M1 Legal are happy to report a great victory against Tasolan S.L. The clients purchased at Palm Oasis, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria. After reviewing the contract it was revealed that it not have an end date and for that reason alone, the contract was deemed null and void...
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