by ECC | May 19, 2020 | Latest Victories
In the past week we have been successful in cases against Diamond, Anfi and Club La Costa. Our case against Diamond was held in Fuengirola Court where it was determined that the contract provided to our client when purchasing the timeshare failed to contain enough...
by ECC | May 11, 2020 | Latest Victories
This week we are proud to say that we reached £127,758 in monies awarded through CLC cases alone. As found in many timeshare contracts with Club La Costa, in three of these cases, the agreements were found not to contain sufficient detail on accommodation...
by ECC | May 5, 2020 | CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories, Macdonald Resorts, Timeshare Resorts
During this week, we were victorious in a case against Club la Costa UK Surcusal, we lost this case in the first instance. However, we won the appeal before the High Court. The timeshare contract was signed with one of the companies that CLC holds in the Isle of Man,...
by ECC | Apr 27, 2020 | CLC World, Latest Victories, Macdonald Resorts, Timeshare Resorts
With the Spanish courts having been closed for more than a month now, it’s refreshing to be able to report on some favourable judgements. While the courts are closed, the people behind the scenes along with the judges are still working away. New cases are being...
by ECC | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, European Consumer Claims
By now, most of you are probably aware that as of Monday evening, the UK Prime Minister addressed the nation imposing a mandatory lockdown restricting outdoor activities and pleaded for the public to stay home. Very similar to the current situation in Spain, where...