by ECC | Mar 13, 2023 | Anfi Group, CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories, Silverpoint, Timeshare Resorts
M1 Legal are pleased to inform you of the latest Spanish court victories over the last two weeks. The Malaga-based firm of lawyers secured TWELVE positive awards with a total value of £286,599 which is an average of £23,883.The highest award in these latest results...
by ECC | Feb 27, 2023 | CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories, Timeshare Resorts
We are pleased to inform you of this week’s Spanish court victories.M1 Legal secured FOUR positive awards with a total value of £82,598. Our highest award this week was against CLC Continental Resorts valued at £29,187. Please see below a breakdown of the...
by ECC | Feb 20, 2023 | Anfi Group, CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories, Onagrup, Timeshare Resorts
We are thrilled to inform you of this weeks results by M1 Legal that secured TEN positive awards with a total value of £409,321. Our highest award this week was against Onagrup valued at £196,569 which is the second largest award ever achieved by M1 Legal. Please see...
by ECC | Feb 13, 2023 | Anfi Group, CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories, Onagrup, Timeshare Resorts
This week, M1 Legal secured FOURTEEN positive awards with a total value of £258,217. Our highest award being against CLC Sucursal valued at £42,761.1st Court of Instance: CLC Sucursal x 2 – In Fuengirola, court No’s 3 and 4, the judge declared both...
by ECC | Jan 30, 2023 | Anfi Group, CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories, Timeshare Resorts
We are pleased to inform you of this week’s Spanish court victories. M1 Legal secured SIX positive awards with a total value of £129,576. Our highest award achieved, was a case submitted against Anfi Sales and Anfi Resorts totalling £69,707.1st Court of...