[custom_phone_text] info@ecc-eu.com

Very clear plain language was used, with no pressure, but very well organised to achieve the best potential outcome.

Sean was very clear and concise in his explanation of how the company worked, the lawyers it worked with and how the relinquishment of our time share in the US would proceed.

We contacted ECC as we are thoroughly disillusioned with CLC. Not meeting the promises we were given and everything we tried to book was unavailable. Jack was very helpful, answering our questions and giving us hope our timeshare experience will soon be behind...

ECC are very professional, helpful and thorough. Very quick at responding to queries.

The senior account manager was very pleasant and professional throughout, he made an honest assessment of our ownership with regard to ECC being able to assist with a termination and award of possible compensation. He clearly explained how both EEC and ourselves would...
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