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£155K in awards against CLC

Feb 15, 2021 | Latest Victories

This week our legal team obtained 11 more victories against Club La Costa to add to our ever-growing pile. The contractual names of these CLC cases being Sucursal and Continental Resorts. Altogether the monies awarded to these cases amounts to £155,134.

In one of the cases, the judge made an error not declaring the nullity of all CLC contracts, only concluding nullity of the last one. This matter is an issue already discussed in different cases. The High Court has provided their binding opinion which should be taken as a rule by the First instance Judges.  Everytime  the previous contract’s payments are proven by showing the pricing summary document (as in this case) – the nullity must include ALL contracts and so the price awarded must be the total of all contracts.  The M1 Legal lawyer assigned to the case is going to appeal, as the difference is £53,000 pounds. 

Another case against CLC Sucursal – The nullity of the contract was determined by the same main reasons reasons (the lack of information regarding the property and when they could use it plus the duration of the contract).  The lawyer has also asked for nullity of the loan (referred to as an ancilliary contract) We get the costs. £14,636 awarded. 

We also received a favourable judgement against Diamond Resorts with the value of £18,093 and another against Anfi Sales & Anfi Resorts with the value of £9,149.

In addition to the substantive victories our legal team also obtained 11 more jurisdiction victories. Two of these favourable judgements were against Diamond Resorts and the remaining were against Club al Costa. 


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