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Six More Wins Against Club La Costa

Nov 11, 2020 | Anfi Group, CLC World, Diamond Resorts, Latest Victories

The first week of November in court was a busy one for our legal team. Six of our cases that were heard were against Club la Costa Sucursal, the largest amount awarded in a single CLC case was £30,870. Altogether, the accumulated monies awarded for these six cases was a total of £105,387.

In addition to these CLC substantive cases, a further six Club la Costa jurisdiction cases were heard in Fuengirola court in which we received favourable outcomes. 

Not only did we obtain victories over CLC but we also had cases heard against Anfi and Diamond. The agreement in the Anfi case was deemed null when it was determined that the contract contained insufficient information of what product was actually purchased and the time period it was owned for, our clients were awarded £16,027. 

In the three Diamond Substantive cases, the awards accumulated to a total of £31,865.


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