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More Victories from Our Legal Team

Jul 14, 2020 | Anfi Group, CLC World, Latest Victories, Macdonald Resorts, Majexo, Timeshare Resorts

Last weeks judgements include victories against Anfi, Club la Costa, Majexo and Ecomar Continental & Leisure Dimensions.

We received favourable judgements in two cases against Anfi Sales & Anfi Resorts, together they accumulated £29,796 in monies awarded.

We also had six more victories against Club la Costa, contractual names including Paradise Trading, Continental Resorts and Sucursal. In total, these six cases amounted to £88,908 in monies awarded.

The case against Majexo took place in Tenerife, where £10,120 in monies were awarded. The contract was declared null because it doesn’t meet the requirements of the law. Majexo has to reimburse double the amount of the payment made in the cooling off period.

In the case against Ecomar Continental & Leisure Dimensions which was also heard in Fuengirola court, Ecomar Continental SL was already dissolved and therefore didn’t reply this claim, so the judgement is made by default for this opposing party. Leisure Dimensions presented their defence. The judge considered that both companies are solitarily liable, and the contract is null under the law 42/1998. The outcome of this case was £14,290 in awards.

In addition to these substantive victories, we’ve had 10 further favourable jurisdiction judgements against CLC and one against MacDonald this week.


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