Holiday Park Experiences.
We have received lots of feedback from holiday park owners. Below are some of our client’s personal experiences following the purchase of their holiday park home.
I wasn’t told that the caravan would be too old. I had to sell it after having it for just over 12 months but the site wouldn’t buy it back. Disgracefully mid-sold.
The unfairness of the resell value of our holiday home, the increases in fees, the lack of consideration for owners and the attitude of the site manager.
Rules regulations prices bad customer service huge depreciation.
Holiday park became a disappointment and felt like was mislead into my purchase. Also robbed of money with parks offer to buy back my van especially the second time when my offer was over 13k less than what they resold it for.
Defrauded and lied to.
Was not told of massive depreciation. Led to believe they would buy back but extremely unhelpful. Sold a dream that ended up a nightmare.
Increase in costs that were never clearly detailed when we first bought but it later came out that wed been lied to.
Caused me undue stress trying to juggle how to keep up with all costs involved to think Ihave been made a fool of as park did not tell me all the facts about being an owner, was not prepared to help by buying back caravans or help in any way with renting etc even as the season has ended I am still getting bills I feel at my lowest point.
They refused to buy the Lodge from me after promising they would when I no longer could use it.
They keep trying to sell us other caravans which we don’t want & still make alot of money off the one they have already sold us.
The unreasonable buy back amount
The amount of money I’m losing and I feel I was not made aware of all the loopholes the park put on people.
Huge loss of capital.
We feel as though we lost a lot of money due to the fact the rates kept rising and we couldn’t afford them.
Terms and Conditions all one way. Not getting rental income we expected from discussions with salesman. Increase in costs and introduction of new costs. Not getting value for money.
Unfairly treated.
Felt I was totally misled when buying.
We were misled and pressurised into making a purchase that we have regretted ever since.
We lost out on a good sale of the lodge due to words between management and my buyers, plus we were forced due to health reasons to sell it back to the site for a fraction of its worth and the fees increased over 150% in the 10 years we owned it.
The difference between the bought and sold price, there was no help with the resale even though it was promised when I bought and they still took 18% of my sale. The new owner stayed on the same pitch. And the increase in 2023 was way higher than was indicated would happen when I bought it, putting me under financial pressure.
Had enough of the park making a fool out of me and taking more and more money.
False promises and misled information and hidden Extras.
I was very unfairly treated when it come to selling it.
The manager told lies to terminate our contract.
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